Every student deserves the opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that is accepting of everyone.  All students need to feel safe where they learn. Students across the world attend schools with those that are not exactly like them.  They often attend college and find employment with people from diverse backgrounds.  In order to provide a supportive climate for all students, schools must foster an environment where young adults build an awareness of others’ differences, respect each other for who they are, and recognize their own biases.

Students completing the DiversityEducate course enter the school with a new and expanded view of diversity vocabulary. Students will understand the different inequalities relating to diversity and leave the course feeling empowered to make a positive difference. 

Students will understand that diversity not only benefits them as a person, but also benefits their school, community, and the world. 

Who can learn from this program?

DiversityEducate is an online course originally designed to be completed by middle and high school students.  However, it most certainly can be beneficial to anyone interested in learning more about creating inclusive environments.  It can also be used as an educational program for teachers, parents, and other community members.  The program is designed to be used as a tool that provides supplemental material to diversity initiatives.

DiversityEducate course topics (Spanish version is available):

If you are a parent, looking to purchase this course for your child

If you are a teacher, school administrator, health organization, or community group looking to purchase this course for your students